Hold Fast

Hold Fast

Hold Fast Often times the stories that inspire us detail the events of great heroic deeds and monumental achievements. We remember these as the things that seemed to change the course of history, the big things that changed the world. Well, it’s not always something...
Speak Boldly

Speak Boldly

Speak Boldly Due to sensitivity of information, at times military operations remain classified for years and years and the heroism and secret valor enacted by brave men and women in these operations goes unknown for decades. In 1968, there was a declassification of...
Pray Today

Pray Today

Pray Today Today I would like to mostly quote from a letter written by Ronald Reagan to his dying father-in law who spent a great deal of his life not believing in God. This was while Reagan was president, and the letter was written on August 7 of 1982. It is as...
​​Promote Peace

​​Promote Peace

Promote Peace Over the course of U.S. History necessary changes have occured. In fact, one of the foundational pillars of this great country is that our founding documents are still open documents. This way the sacred truths of life, liberty, and the pursuit of...
Be Helpful

Be Helpful

Be Hopeful Sometimes the results of our efforts come quickly. Other times it seems we have to wait. At times we may ask ourselves why the delay? Why is it that, at times, those that do bad seem to get away with it, and those that try their hardest to do good are still...